Group for Artificial EM Materials
and Microwave Engineering

It's all just a game!

Current research


prof. Vesna Crnojević-Bengin
special award granted by the European Commission at "Marie Curie" Actions

Current projects:

  1. FP7 MultiWaveS - Multiband Electronically Reconfigurable Microwave Devices and Antennas for a New Generation of Wireless Systems, No. 247532, 2009-2013.
  2. FP7 BalkanGEONet – Balkan GEO Network – Towards Inclusion of Balkan Countries into Global Earth Observation Initiatives, No. 265176, 2010-2013.
  3. FP7 EXPEERE – Distributed Infrastructure for Experimentation in ecosystem research, No. 262060, 2010-2014.
  4. Biosensing technology, No. 43002, Project of Technological development funded by Serbian Ministry of Science, 2011-2015.
  5. Integrisani sistem za detekciju i estimaciju razvoja pozara pracenjem kriticnih parametara u realnom vremenu, No. 44003, Project of Technological development funded by Serbian Ministry of Science, 2008-2010.

Accomplished projects:

  1. EUREKA! METATEC - Metamaterial-Based Technology for Broadband Wireless Communications and RF Identification,No. E!3853, 2006 - 2008.
  2. EUREKA! MetaSense Miniature Metamaterial-Based Sensing Devices for Agricultural, Environmental and Geological Applications, No. E!5014, 2009-2012.
  3. FP7 AgroSense - Wireless Sensor Networks and Remote Sensing - Foundation of a modern agricultural infrastructure in the region, No. 204472, 2008 - 2010.
  4. Microsystem and Components, No. 043669, 2007-2010.
  5. Dual-Band and Three-Band Metamaterial-Based Microwave Cirucuits and Antennas Devices for Modern Communication Systems, Project of Technological development funded by Serbian Ministry of Science, 2008-2010.
  6. COST Action IC0803 RFCSET - RF/Microwave Communication Subsystems for Emerging Wireless Twchnology, 2008-2011.
  7. FP6 ReCimiCo - Reinforcment of the Center for Integrated.
  8. FP6 Network of Excellence METAMORPHOSE, 2004 - 2006.
  9. Design and fabrication of thick-film passive microelectronic cuircuits and devices for high-frequency operation, Project of Technological development funded by Serbian Ministry of Science, 2005 - 2007.
  10. New generation of milimeter links absed on composite nanostructured materials, Project of Technological development funded by Serbian Ministry of Science, 2004-2007.
  11. TEMPUS JEP Revision of Electrical Engineering Curricula Based on New Technologies and Bologna Recommendations, No. 18105-2003, 2003 - 2006.
  12. TEMPUS JEP University Science Park - Organizational Framework, No. UM-JEP-16090, 2001 - 2003.
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